Friday, November 19, 2010


We finally ventured out for another camping trip this past weekend. Of course, before we were able to go, we had to make yummy cookies to take with us. In order to keep Jillian busy while I cleaned up, she got to lick her 1st spatula and beaters.
She was quite pleased with the results and the mess she had made.
On Friday we headed out to Canyon Lake and arrived after dark. Luckily James and Donnie were able to go a little earlier and had some of the tests and campsite set up already. We didn't get to finish dinner before the cool front blew in and it got cold fast! We spent a lot of time in front of the fire on Friday night and fared pretty well through the cold weather.

All the girls together: Karin, Hannah, me, and Renee
Karin & Donnie
Sean & Renee
The next morning was really cool but we kept busy and before we knew it the sun was keeping us nice and warm. Jillian had a lot of fun playing bubbles and ball with Uncle Donnie
We got her to take a short break for a family picture
We passed the afternoon and evening playing dominoes
and taking rides in the wagon
well and acting silly
Jillian and all had a great time!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Jillian's first "big girl" Halloween was a real success! Earlier in the month she got to go to the pumpkin patch and pick out her very own pumpkin. It was much more difficult to take pictures of a moving target at the pumpkin patch then it was last year. Jillian tended to like the bumpy, ugly pumpkins so Mommy and Daddy had to help her pick out a pretty one.

She was happy on the way home with her two little pumpkins and one big one.
Last Sunday she wore her costume for the 1st time at Joshua's birthday party

On Thursday night we went to B00-da Halloween and did some trick or treating for the 1st time. Jillian saw her best friend from school, Avery, there and was very excited!

Friday at school, she wore her costume there for a costume parade through the school but I didn't get any pictures b/c by the time they got to me, Jillian was not cooperative.

On Halloween I even got James to dress up with us so we were a total 50s family!
Matching Poodle Skirt girls
We headed out for trick or treating and Jillian did so great-walking by herself and holding our hands
She caught on quickly but didn't quite understand why we left each house so quickly after getting there. She seemed to want to hang out for a little while at each house.

Jillian had a blast and we hope you all did too!